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Evie Soape

Evie Soape
Art Therapist
Department of Art Education





Evie Soape, ATR, LMHC, is an art therapist with the Art Therapy in Prisons Program developed in collaboration with Florida State University and the Florida Department of Corrections. She provides art therapy services for individuals incarcerated in two male correctional institutions in north Florida. Ms. Soape obtained a master’s in art therapy at Florida State University where she expanded her interest in forensic psychology and trauma transformation by incorporating knowledge of art therapy practice and approaches such as cognitive-behavioral art therapy and mindfulness-based art therapy, among others. She continued to nourish this interest upon entering the workforce after graduation. Ms. Soape worked for several years at a non-profit community mental health facility, providing therapeutic services to individuals, families, couples, and groups in outpatient and in-home settings. Ms. Soape is honored to serve as an integral part of the Art Therapy in Prisons Program and is excited bring the benefits of art therapy to individuals housed within Florida’s correctional institutions, as well as contribute to the knowledge base on the efficacy of art therapy in forensics.


Master of Science in Art Therapy, Florida State University
Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Minor in Fine Art), Old Dominion University

Research Areas

Ms. Soape’s research interests include forensic art therapy in correctional settings, identity reconstruction, trauma transformation, cognitive-behavioral art therapy, and mindfulness practices.